Lots of tears to follow...
An emotional and thrilled Grandma Olson
A beautiful crisp November day for a glorious welcome home!
Home Sweet Home, Riverton Utah
The traditional yellow ribbon!
(In this photo, Stacey is still wearing the name badge she
The Release Letter
The Release Certificate
Souvenir for dad!
The pre-requisite leather scriptures cases!
The "Welcome Home" Dinner
Chicken Crescents, Stuffed Mushrooms,
Mormon Potatoes and Brownie Cheesecake!
Zimmerman-López Family said...
How absolutely fantastic!! Thank-you for sharing these amazing photos. We are so happy and grateful for you, your service, your example and look forward to the same magnificent day with our daughter. God bless you in all endeavors you pursue! With love, the Zimmerman-López Family
NOVEMBER 27, 2009 3:35 PM
Hermana Lopez's Mom said...
Bienvenida Hermana Jensen!
Nos ha gustado mucho ver esta página mientras que estabas en la misión, seguro que a tí también te gusta mucho ver en lo que tus padres se han estado entreteniendo en tu ausencia: mantener esta página web. Que el Señor te bendiga y busca oportunidades de continuar hablando español, si no lo usas se te olvidará.
La madre de la Hermana López!!!
November 27, 2009 10:07 PM