August 28, 2008

Folletos = Pamphlets!

We give out folletos that are invitations to church with the schedule and directions written on the back when we do our 20 a day street contacts. Since I've arrived wéve done about 600 together and this past Sunday someone we gave one to came! His name is Lorenzo and he came for the last 40 minutes of church. We saw him come in out of the corner of our eyes and went over to talk to him. He is awesome, we went to his house that afternoon after church and taught him the first lesson and committed him to pray and if he gets an answer, he will be baptized on the 27th of September! I have a testimony of folletos and street contacts. All we did was say, "Hi, if you ever want to get to know about our church, here is an invitation with the address," and someone came, someone ready, someone prepared and elect. And get this... he asked if he can start paying his tithing because he believes in tithing! And he said he was going to pray and FAST to ask if this is the true church. He's golden, shining brighter than anything in the world!
This week my comp and I had a special fast for our investigators with baptismal dates to progress and for us to find a family to baptize. That is the second time wéve included "find a family" in our fasts here. We really want to baptize a family because it is one of our transfer goals. A week is already gone leaving 5 weeks to find, teach, and baptize... they have to attend church at least 2 times to be baptized... families only have to attend twice, whereas Lorenzo who is just by himself has to attend 4 times before he can be baptized. It looks like we are going to reach our goal of 3 baptisms this transfer, and surprisingly... all the dates we had last week are now barely progressing and probably wońt make it within this transfer: Coco, Tomas, and Santina didńt come to church. In addition to Lorenzo, we have two daughters of an inactive single mom who is starting to come back to church. Ayelen is 13 and Rocio is 11 and they both are committed for the 13th of September! The transfer ends on the 28th by the way. At first we were having problems with Ayelen because she doesńt want to be baptized on the same day as her kid sister, and so she wouldńt accept that date, but her mom told her that she pretty much had to because theýre moving on the 15th and may not be staying in Castelar. Wherever they find a place, theýre are moving, so we are obviously searching for a place for them where they could stay in the ward even after their baptism. But luckily, when her mom said that, she came around, but insists on going last... I guess she wants some glory, but she deserves it-- she is getting baptized!
Remember Rolando Destito that was baptized last transfer? He just received the Aaronic Priesthood last Sunday! It was so cool and he also got a calling... he is a Counselor in Young Men's!
Azucena Rodriguez... our other baptism from last transfer is also progressing incredibly. Every morning she sits down at her kitchen table, sings a hymn, says a prayer, and reads either the Book of Mormon or the Gospel Principles manual for the upcoming lesson! She rocks! Her youngest son came to church last Sunday and we had a lesson with him last week but he doesńt want to be baptized. He didńt give us a reason, just doesńt want to. But maybe with more time, héll come around.
Story... remember the low-hanging fruit talk the President gave at the transfer meeting? Well, I was looking through the "former investigators" tab in our area book searching for people that might have become elect since they were dropped. I wrote down 6 names of people I wanted to revisit. My comp went through old progress reports and wrote down about 4 names. We compared lists and had 3 in common. We went to visit one such former investigator last week. Santina Trillo... shés a sweet older lady that talks when we want to teach, but we committed her to be baptized. The reason the other missionaries dropped her is because she stood them up a few times and didńt answer phone calls. But we picked her up again and hopefully it will work out that she can be baptized on the 27th with Lorenzo!

Well, I love you so much, I feel like this email has been not that good. I dońt know what else to say, we had lots of great miracles and experiences this week, but I think I hit on the most miraculous of them. I think of you all every day and pray for you all every day. I love you so much and cannot express the immense gratitude I have for you all. I know how blessed I am to have such a supportive family. I feel so privileged and I fear the day that I will sit across from the Stake President and he will tell me I have to take off my name mag... I almost cry thinking that I will one day have to get up and get dressed without being able to put on my name tag. It is completely a part of me!
Love you tons! Hermana Jensen

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