April 7, 2009

Let´s Go To The House Of The LORD!


Let´s just all go to the temple! I would go every single week, if I could. I have already committed myself to do so after the mission. Did you all set specific goals too? I hope so!

I loved Conference and yes, we were able to attend every session. Literally I was shocked at how much the General Authorities hit on temples. It is so important and we so often take them for granted.

I got the package and it was well-taped and quite perfect! I about cried when I saw not just one, but TWO bottles of Ranch Dressing and Peanut Butter. My companion and I are going to an all you can eat pizza place today and I have one of the bottles of Ranch stowed away in a bag! I loved everything you sent and have already used the Tide “to go” pen. I love the hymn cd’s and have the latex gloves safely stowed in my bag for the next emergency. It´s funny that you thought of sending them to me “ just in case” because I was thinking about buying some to have for the very same reason. You read my mind!

This letter is going to jump from topic to topic, so buckle up!

Unfortunately we are spending 10 miserable days without credit to use our cell phone. Try planning a baptism and confirming teaching and lunch appointments without a phone. Sounds like fun, doesn´t it? I have literally no idea how we could have used our 500 minutes so quickly. It makes me so mad and I long for the days of having free Verizon to Verizon – when I could talk and talk and talk because almost everyone I cared about was in-network.

Today is my 11 month birthday. It is also “hump day” for my mini seeing as how we are in the middle of the transfer. That is why we are going to a pizza libre. It will be quite fun.

I ask you a special favor this week: Please, please, please pray for Antonio and Andrea—especially Andrea. They are in the doorway, but so much can go wrong the week before the baptism. She has to be able to say that she believes that President Monson is the prophet or she can't be baptized. Please pray for them to have the confirmation that all we have taught them is true, and that they will be able to live the Word of Wisdom and keep the Sabbath Day and pay tithing. Please be mindful of them this week... Easter Sunday will be the day they enter the waters of baptism!

Oh happy day! I found a ten peso bill the other day! Yeehaw--it´s a tithing blessing!”

I finally found brown sugar to go with the sour cream and fresh strawberries. Last night I introduced Hermana Barrera to Strawberries Romanoff and she was truly enchanted! I am going to teach all the members here about it and they will enjoy it forever!

I have a hankering to make brown sugar chicken, which began my quest to find Worcestershire Sauce... so far my quest has been in vain, but who knows, one day I´ll find it. The people stare at me confused when I describe it. Bummer...

To answer the question about the pictures that are all psychedelic (good luck... I now spell horribly!) That is what happened when my camera fell and died the day before I left Castelar in December. That is why I had to buy another one... because I knew all the pictures for the rest of the mission would print out that way. The funny thing is that that camera still works great to record videos. When I get back to the states, I´ll probably take it to a place and see if it can be repaired. I was going to take it to a place here, but it´s hard to sacrifice a p-day.

I think a big part of the mission is that one has to choose between quality and quantity. I choose quality. But it´s hard to say that and stick to it when your leaders tell you that if every companionship in the mission completes their 20 contacts every day the Area President promised us that we would double the baptisms. That is quantity. Rest assured... I have never not reached my contacts, so it´s really not that big of a problem for me. Quality or quantity. They are related because when you hit quantity your chances of finding quality increase. Savvy? It´s a numbers game. My picture won´t even be in the estandarte this transfer... because I chose quality, but I am still held accountable for my quantity.

Nata – the pictures of Davy are adorable... he wins!
Jason – I hope that all went well with Phyllis – she received her Endowment didn´t she?
Mommy and Daddy – thanks so much for the truly wonderful package. I am saving the Reese's for a truly special moment. I am excited to try the foot powders and will be sleeping great! I have the little mirror with me at all times and love the mints. I took pictures of my mini- Christmas and could not feel more cared for and blessed.

I hope that things turn up for the economy in the states. I pray for you all so much.

Tell Tyler that I believe in him and that I challenge him to study the Atonement of Jesus Christ everyday for 20 minutes. Tell him not to miss a single day.

If you can pass word on to Cameron tell him the same thing, and that he will LOVE the mission and that he shouldn´t let a single thing in the whole world stop him from going because the Lord needs HIM to touch people that will only be able to accept the gospel if He is the instrument the Lord uses.

I pray for the grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins... everyone. Pass along my love, joy, peace, and determination. 11 months down, 7 to go. I will never give up. I will never surrender. This is the Lord´s work and He doesn't deserve quitters. I know that the gospel is true. I know it, I know it. I know it. Christ lives. He fights at my side. I am not alone and neither are you!

Hermana Jensen
The happiest missionary in all the world! - and don´t you doubt it!

1 comment:

  1. We love and appreciate you Familia Jensen. We enjoy Stacey's fun letters and this whole blog spot. We listen to the music often and it gives us peace. Take care and have a Happy and Joyful Easter. All our love, the Familia Johns
